


Develop Epoch

Enterprises can partner with us for AI solutions. We do research, data collection, model training and deployment for AI solutions.

Typical client requests:

We have a mobile banking application that is used by millions of people. We would like to provide more convenience for our customers and provide more services via mobile app. Can you provide mobile face authentication technology for our bank software application?

What we deliver:

Based on the available solutions, we make a custom development plan that involves one or more of the AI development components: Data gathering, model design, model training and model deployment. We then develop and deploy the developed AI solution according to the client settings.



Explore Epoch

Enterprises can explore the potential AI use cases and possibilities with

Typical client requests:

Our company makes fitness equipment along with some associated software. What are some of the fitness related problems that AI can solve?

What we deliver:

We first clearly understand the different aspects of client enterprise and then identify some potential areas where AI can be used. We do thorough surveys on different AI solutions that can benefit the client enterprise and then deliver our analysis.



Educate Epoch

Enterprises can create in-house AI expertise with We provide the base AI development toolbox along with hands-on practical training for the developers in the client enterprise.

Typical client requests:

We have a very good team of software developers, but they do not have experience with the latest AI technologies. Can help us in developing in-house AI solutions with our developers?

What we deliver:

We provide hands-on tutorials on basics of AI and deep learning. We also provide a basic AI toolbox upon which the client can grow their codebase.